Election TPAs

An Election Third Party Advertiser engages in election advertising to promote or oppose, or take a position on an issue associated with, a registered party or candidate in an MLA election. An Election Third Party Advertiser is a person, corporation, or group which is required to register with Elections Alberta when it has incurred or plans to incur expenses of at least $1,000 for election advertising, or it has accepted or plans to accept at least $1,000 in election advertising contributions.

Any eligible person, corporation, trade union or group that engages in election advertising is required to register with Elections Alberta when it has incurred or plans to incur expenses of at least $1,000 for election advertising, or it has accepted or plans to accept at least $1,000 in election advertising contributions.

An Election TPA can only advertise during an election advertising period.

For the complete guide on election third party advertising, click here. For advertising guidelines click here.

Registered Election TPAs

Election Third Party Advertiser Name Primary Contact Chief Financial Officer Phone Website Registration Date Financial Reporting
Alberta Accountability Alliance Darrin Thompson Darrin Thompson 587.877.6294 abpoli.substack.com June 07, 2023 View
Alberta Environmental Network Society Natalie Odd Natalie Odd 587.228.6391 www.aenweb.ca May 18, 2023 View
Alberta Federation of Labour Inc. Ms. Karen Kuprys Ms. Karen Kuprys 780.483.3021 www.afl.org May 14, 2018 View
Alberta First Initiative Mackenzie Lee Mackenzie Lee 403.828.1130 albertafirstinitiative.ca December 9, 2022 View
Alberta Freedom Committee (AFC) Don Oszli Don Oszli 587.316.9386 April 19, 2022 View
Alberta Proud (AB Proud) Daniel Kary Daniel Kary 800.896.5928 www.albertaproud.org October 29, 2018 View
Alberta Roadbuilders and Heavy Construction Association (ARHCA) Mr. Ronald Glen Mr. Ronald Glen 780.995.9443 www.drivingimprovement.ca January 28, 2019 View
Canadian Union of Public Employees – Alberta Division Rory Gill Colleen Nash 780.918.3061 alberta.cupe.ca June 4, 2018 View
Family Guy’s Family Law Reform Bradley Edward Chalmers Bradley Edward Chalmers 587.501.7125 www.familyguys.ca May 17, 2022 View
National Police Federation Brian Sauvé Don Armstrong 587.200.0494 npf-fpn.com February 10, 2022 View
Public Interest Alberta Society Bradley Lafortune Bradley Lafortune 780.420.0471 www.pialberta.org January 31, 2023 View
Take Back Alberta Society David Parker David Parker 1.403.505.9373 takingbackalberta.ca April 26, 2023 View
The Buffalo Project Dallas Howe Bill Turnbull 403.231.7952 buffaloproject.ca March 6, 2023 View
United Nurses of Alberta Heather Smith Ramona Pascasio-Salucop 780.425.1025 www.una.ca January 3, 2023 View
www.StopTheNDP.info John Williams Craig Chandler www.stopthendp.info May 8, 2023 View

Last Updated: August 9, 2024

Deregistered Election TPAs

Name Registration Date De-Registration Date Financial Reporting
1ABVote April 13, 2015 June 28, 2019 View
Alberta Assembly of Independent Members February 3, 2023 April 9, 2023 View
Alberta Chambers of Commerce November 1, 2022 January 13, 2023 View
Alberta Fights Back January 15, 2019 April 23, 2021 View
Alberta Medical Association April 24, 2015 December 24, 2022 View
Alberta Union of Provincial Employees December 19, 2014 April 18, 2020 View
Alberta Victory Fund May 31, 2017 January 8, 2021 View
Association of Canadians for Sustainable Medicare July 26, 2018 November 15, 2019 View
Calgary Climate Hub (CCH) March 26, 2019 June 28, 2019 View
Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment – Alberta Committee March 22, 2019 February 11, 2023 View
Cashco Financial Inc. April 9, 2019 November 2, 2019 View
CUPE Local 3550 March 3, 2022 March 25, 2023 View
Drain the Swamp CANADA April 20, 2023 July 24, 2023 View
EQUS REA LTD. December 05, 2018 November 9, 2019 View
Firefighters for Alberta November 30, 2018 December 26, 2022 View
Friends of Medicare March 20, 2019 December 25, 2022 View
Health Sciences Association of Alberta April 2, 2019 April 13, 2024 View
Highway Maintenance Contractors (HMCs) February 4, 2019 February 20, 2021 View
Jacqui Vanderfluit December 22, 2018 April 24, 2022 View
Kenneth Gregory February 27, 2019 July 1, 2019 View
Merit Contractors Association November 7, 2017 November 2, 2019 View
Progress Alberta November 30, 2018 July 12, 2019 View
Project Alberta November 30, 2018 April 27, 2020 View
Protect Alberta Kids from Big Tobacco June 20, 2018 August 08, 2019 View
Public Interest Alberta Society November 30, 2018 July 26, 2020 View
Restaurants Canada November 5, 2018 June 28, 2019 View
Save Alberta’s Vibrant Economy April 12, 2016 January 25, 2019 View
Shaping Alberta’s Future December 7, 2022 July 29, 2023 View
Student’s Union, University of Calgary December 8, 2022 October 13, 2023 View
The Alberta Chambers of Commerce December 10, 2018 October 30, 2020 View
The Alberta Teachers’ Association January 11, 2019 November 23, 2019 View
The Calgary Chamber of Commerce January 21, 2019 April 5, 2020 View
WEXIT USA April 7, 2022 December 11, 2023 View

Last Updated: August 9, 2024


A registered Election TPA can accept advertising contributions at any time, but only from persons ordinarily resident in Alberta. Contributions can be money or in-kind donations of goods or services.

The maximum an Election TPA can receive from any given contributor is $34,400 per year, less any contributions the contributor may make to other Election TPAs and to any Political TPAs in the year.

The TPA chief financial officer is responsible for reporting contributions to Elections Alberta and issuing official contribution receipts to contributors. Receipts issued for contributions to TPAs cannot be claimed for income tax credits.

Click here for more information on contributions.

Fundraising Events

A registered Election TPA or anyone acting on their behalf can hold events and activities to raise funds for election advertising. Examples of fundraising events include a luncheon, meet & greet, rally, golf tournament, silent auction etc. Contribution rules limit who can pay to attend or who can donate/bid at a silent auction. All fundraising revenues and expenses must be reported on the TPA’s advertising campaign return.

Click here for more information on fundraising events.

Expense Limits

A registered Election TPA can spend a maximum of $364,400 during election advertising periods for general elections: $182,200 from the fourth Monday in May to the day before the Writ of Election, plus another $182,200 from the Writ of Election to when polls close on Election Day.

A registered Election TPA can spend a maximum of $3,700, per electoral division, for by-elections.

The following are common examples of reportable expenses:

  • Administration and office costs,
  • Honoraria and salaries,
  • Paid advertising,
  • Polling and research,
  • Production costs,
  • Promotional materials,
  • Public relations, and
  • Technology costs.

Click here for more information on expense limits.

Filing Deadlines

Election TPAs must disclose their financial activities to Elections Alberta by filing weekly contribution reports during election advertising periods and filing election advertising returns. Audited financial statements are required if revenue or expenses for the reporting period exceed $100,000. Automatic late filing fees apply for failure to file a report or return on time.

Click here for more information on filing deadlines.

Financial Reporting

View registration and financial information for Election Third Party Advertisers.

View Financial Reporting Website

Online Financial System (OFS)

Registered TPA primary contacts and chief financial officers are granted access to Elections Alberta’s secure Online Financial System (OFS) to report contributions, issue official contribution receipts to contributors, and submit financial returns.

Contact us for access and login queries.

Login to OFS